Safety Observer

January 2023

Safety Observer 196

The US FDA has published the final guidance entitled “Format and Content of a REMS Document”.

Released 10-Jan-2023
Pages 32
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Report 196 — Highlights

EU Clinical Trial Regulation

The Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) went live on 31-Jan-2022 and after a year into the transition period, all initial trial applications will be required to go through CTIS from 31-Jan-2023. The EMA will hold a meeting on 20-Jan-2023 to prepare for the mandatory use of the EU Clinical Trial Regulation (CTR).

FDA REMS guidance

The FDA has published the final guidance entitled “Format and Content of a REMS Document”, which describes the format for a REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy) document.


The FDA has issued a proposed rule that would require the annual submission of a DSUR (Development Safety Update Report) instead of the current IND Annual Report.

Canada regulations

Health Canada has launched a consultation on the modernization of its regulations. One of the topics concerns the requirement to submit RMPs (Risk Management Plans) for higher-risk products.

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